The pack for WIW logos is available here.
Organisation - Total = 59 | Opening or Closing Bell | Date |
Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) | Opening Bell | Monday 7th October |
Amman Stock Exchange | Opening Bell | Tuesday 8th October |
Athens Stock Exchange (ATHEX) | Opening Bell | Monday 7th October |
Australian Securities Exchange
Opening Bell | Monday 14th October |
B3 - Brasil Bolsa Balcão
Closing Bell | Monday 7th October |
Bahrain Bourse | Opening Bell | Monday 7th October |
Baku Stock Exchange
Opening Bell | Tuesday 8th October |
BEE4 | Opening Bell | Monday 7th October |
Belgrade Stock Exchange |
Opening Bell |
Tuesday 8th October |
Bermuda Stock Exchange | Opening Bell | Wednesday 9th October |
BME Spanish Exchanges | Opening Bell | Monday 7th October |
Bolsa Institucional de Valores | BIVA
Closing Bell | Monday 7th October |
Bolsa Latinoamericana de Valores (Latinex)
Opening Bell | TBD |
Bolsa Mexicana de Valores | Opening Bell | Wednesday 9th October |
Borsa İstanbul
Other | TBD |
Botswana Stock Exchange
Opening Bell | TBD |
Boursa Kuwait |
Closing Bell |
Monday 7th October |
Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières S.A.
Opening Bell | Thursday 10th October |
Bursa Malaysia | Opening Bell | Monday 7th October |
Canadian Securities Exchange - CSE | Opening Bell | Monday 7th October |
Cboe Global Markets
Other | TBD |
Chittagong Stock Exchange PLC
Closing Bell | Wednesday 9th October |
Colombo Stock Exchange | Opening Bell | Wednesday 9th October |
Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange | Closing Bell | Friday 11th October |
Euronext Borsa Italiana SpA
Opening Bell | Monday 7th October |
FMDQ Group PLC |
Opening Bell |
Wednesday 9th October |
Ghana Stock Exchange
Opening Bell | Tuesday 8th October |
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX)
Opening Bell | Tuesday 8th October |
Indonesia Stock Exchange | Closing Bell | TBD |
Johannesburg Stock Exchange | Opening Bell | Tuesday 8th October |
Kazakhstan Stock Exchange JSC
Opening Bell | Monday 7th October |
Ljubljana Stock Exchange
Opening Bell | Tuesday 8th October |
Luxembourg Stock Exchange | Other | Monday 7th October |
Macedonian Stock Exchange | Opening Bell | TBD |
Malta Stock Exchange plc |
Opening Bell |
MIAX | Opening Bell | Wednesday 9th October |
Muscat Stock Exchange | Other | Monday 7th October |
Nasdaq Helsinki
Opening Bell | Tuesday 8th October |
Nasdaq Iceland
Opening Bell | TBD |
Nasdaq Vilnius | Opening Bell | Monday 7th October |
Nigerian Exchange Group
Closing Bell | TBD |
nuam exchange (Chile Colombia and Peru Exchanges) | Other | Thursday 17th October |
NZX | Opening Bell | Monday 7th October |
Pakistan Mercantile Exchange | Other | Monday 7th October |
Pakistan Stock Exchange
Opening Bell | Tuesday 8th October |
Palestine Exchange | Opening Bell | TBD |
Qatar Stock Exchange | Opening Bell | Wednesday 9th October |
Saudi Tadawul Group
Opening Bell | TBD |
Shanghai Futures Exchange | Closing Bell | Friday 27th September |
Shanghai Stock Exchange | Other | Thursday 10th October |
Singapore Exchange | Opening Bell | Monday 14th October |
Somali Stock Exchange
Closing Bell | Thursday 10th October |
Taipei Exchange
Other | Wednesday 9th October |
Taiwan Stock Exchange | Other | Tuesday 8th October |
The Egyptian Exchange
Opening Bell | Monday 7th October |
The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc.
Closing Bell | Wednesday 9th October |
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Other | During week 7-11 October |
Tunis Stock Exchange
Opening Bell | Tuesday 8th October |
Warsaw Stock Exchange | Opening Bell | Monday 7th October |