We publish over 350 market data indicators, ranging from statistics on exchange traded products such as equities, derivatives and ETFs to granular data on IPOs, and the WFE’s Median Simple Spread liquidity indicator.
The WFE Statistics Database provides registered users with access to a wide range of market indicators. The data is collected on a monthly and annual basis from WFE members, affiliates and non-members. More information on the WFE statistics can be found in the WFE Statistics Definitions Manual 2024 May . You can find here a list of WFE monthly and annual indicators.pdf.
We invite you to access the Statistics Portal using the link below and the WFE’s monthly and annual reports as below.
Access Statistics PortalA compilation of the main structural elements observed across markets, including market hours, volatility control mechanisms, and trading rules can be found in the Exchanges Factsheets. You can access the Exchanges Factsheets through the interactive page (link below) or you can download them here Exchanges Factsheets (updated: Jan 2025).
Access Exchange FactsheetsA compilation of exchanges’ ESG involvement, including participation in ESG initiatives, products offered, standards and definitions adopted and reporting formats and standards can be found in the Exchanges' ESG Factsheets. You can download them here Exchanges ESG Factsheets. (updated: Jan 2025).
While the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) makes every effort to check that the data is accurate and complete, it does not accept liability for any errors or omissions. The WFE shall not be liable for any claims or losses of any nature arising directly or indirectly from use of the data. In order to explain some breaks in the time series or other statistical issues, please note the Disclaimers on the last page of the report downloaded from the Statistics Portal. The statistics definitions are publicly available on the WFE website and in the Help & Contact section of the Statistics Portal. For reproduction, citation, distribution and transmission of any data please contact the Secretariat. It is otherwise strictly prohibited. The WFE will always have to be quoted when the statistics are used by a third party. Access to the database is confirmation that you have understood and accepted these terms of usage.
The portal is free to access, but please create an account first via the button below. Thank you.