WFE comments on FSB’s Report on CCP Financial Resources for Recovery and Resolution

 The WFE appreciates the opportunity to comment on the FSB report on Central Counterparty Financial Resources for Recovery and Resolution (the Report) to share perspectives and feedback on behalf of our members. We remain supportive of the broader effort to ensure that the international policy framework best promotes the resilience, recoverability, and resolvability of CCPs in default and non-default loss scenarios.

The WFE has previously publicly expressed support for initiatives that enhance the risk framework for clearing and prioritise financial stability, whether led by CPMI-IOSCO, the FSB or jurisdictional regulatory agencies, and has sought to proactively contribute to the international debate on these issues and others. In doing so, its members have contributed significantly to the further strengthening of the system through engagement with stakeholders on the implementation of many post-crisis initiatives.

The WFE and its members share the FSB’s goals of ensuring the safety and soundness of the global financial system, which is critical to enhancing investor and consumer confidence, and promoting economic growth. In that context, WFE appreciates the opportunity to comment on this Report.