The World Federation of Exchanges Publishes the Call for Papers for WFEClear 2025
London, 16 July 2024 – The World Federation of Exchanges (WFE), the global industry group for CCPs and exchanges has published a Call for Papers for its 41st Clearing and Derivatives Conference, WFEClear 2025.
The conference will be hosted by Korea Exchange in Seoul, Korea, from 1st to 3rd April 2025 and the deadline for submitting papers is Wednesday, 2nd October 2024.
The objective of the conference is to bring together academics, practitioners, and policymakers from around the world to share original research and exchange ideas on the opportunities and challenges for the future of central and bilateral clearing. By bringing academia and industry together, in a mutually enriching conversation, the conference aims to stimulate the generation of new ideas and approaches to these topics. The programme will comprise keynote speeches, expert panels, and paper presentations.
We invite the submission of theoretical, empirical, and policy research papers on issues related to clearing and derivatives. Papers will be selected by the conference’s Scientific Committee based on their relevance, originality, and academic rigour. Accepted papers shall be presented at the conference and will be assigned an industry discussant. They will be posted on the Conference Proceedings page on the Financial Economic Network at SSRN.
To read the call for papers please see here.
Additional information on the conference and its programme will be available at the WFE website
For more information, please contact:
Charlie Ryder
Manager, Regulatory Affairs [email protected]
About the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE):
Established in 1961, the WFE is the global industry association for exchanges and clearing houses. Headquartered in London, it represents the providers of over 250 pieces of market infrastructure, including standalone CCPs that are not part of exchange groups. Of our members, 36% are in Asia Pacific, 43% in EMEA and 21% in the Americas. The WFE’s 87 member CCPs and clearing services collectively ensure that risk takers post some $1.3 trillion (equivalent) of resources to back their positions, in the form of initial margin and default fund requirements. The exchanges covered by WFE data are home to over 55,000 listed companies, and the market capitalization of these entities is over $111tr; around $124tr in trading annually passes through WFE members (at end-2023).
The WFE is the definitive source for exchange-traded statistics and publishes over 350 market data indicators. Its free statistics database stretches back more than 40 years and provides information and insight into developments on global exchanges. The WFE works with standard-setters, policy makers, regulators and government organisations around the world to support and promote the development of fair, transparent, stable and efficient markets. The WFE shares regulatory authorities’ goals of ensuring the safety and soundness of the global financial system.
With extensive experience of developing and enforcing high standards of conduct, the WFE and its members support an orderly, secure, fair and transparent environment for investors; for companies that raise capital; and for all who deal with financial risk. We seek outcomes that maximise the common good, consumer confidence and economic growth. And we engage with policy makers and regulators in an open, collaborative way, reflecting the central, public role that exchanges and CCPs play in a globally integrated financial system.
Twitter: @TheWFE
Tags: clearing
For more information, please contact:
- Cally Billimore
- Manager, Communications
- Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44 7391 204 007 - Twitter: @TheWFE